Eight-Week Challenge: Week One

It’s time to report on the results of my first week. As a reminder, my goals for the eight-week challenge: eat more nutritious food with fewer empty calories, walk at least 5,000 steps per day, spend one day a week reading the backlog of magazines sitting on the end table, and write at least 500Continue reading “Eight-Week Challenge: Week One”

Eight-Week Challenge: Preparation 4

Write More Write at least 500 words per day at least five days each week. I’ve been spending a lot of time reading and very little writing. I blame the Goodreads challenge. Last year my goal was to read 50 books. That was so easy I met the goal before the end of August. SoContinue reading “Eight-Week Challenge: Preparation 4”

Eight-Week Challenge: Preparation 3

The magazine backlog My third 2017 eight-week challenge goal is Spend one day a week reading the backlog of magazines sitting on the end table. My real goal is to eliminate the backlog so that means reading at least 4 magazines a week, even if it takes more than one day of reading. In preparationContinue reading “Eight-Week Challenge: Preparation 3”

Eight-Week Challenge: Preparation 2

Get More Exercise My second 2017 eight-week challenge goal is Walk at least 5,000 steps per day. Yeah. That’s only half the distance I should be walking each day. But it’s a lot more than I’ve been walking recently. You know, in winter it was just too cold to go outside to walk. Driving to a mall might tempt meContinue reading “Eight-Week Challenge: Preparation 2”

Eight-Week Challenge: Preparation 1

Make Better Food Choices My first 2017 eight-week challenge goal is eat more nutritious food with fewer empty calories. I was doing so well last year. I had adopted Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s recommendations in his book, Eat to Live, and was benefiting from not only the promised weight loss (with the more important reduction inContinue reading “Eight-Week Challenge: Preparation 1”

Eight Week Challenge

In May of last year, one of my favorite bloggers, Queen of Blank (real name, Danielle), undertook an eight-week challenge in advance of her marriage to her sweetheart Brad and her move to Texas. She and Brad are now married, she now lives in Texas, and I know she took part in last year’s NaNoWriMo, thoughContinue reading “Eight Week Challenge”

Eight-Week Challenge: Week Eight Results

Last week of the eight-week challenge is done! Whoo-hoo! Again, thanks to Danielle for inspiring others and me to take on this challenge. I wish I had done better, but I’m pretty darn happy with having met the first goal, at least as measured by my body-mass index, for the entire eight weeks. And for cleaningContinue reading “Eight-Week Challenge: Week Eight Results”

Eight-Week Challenge: Week Seven Results

One week left! Each week one of my goals takes a back seat to something. This week the goal I was short on was writing. As a reminder, here are my remaining goals for the eight-week challenge: eat more nutritious food with fewer empty calories and write at least 750 words per day for at least fiveContinue reading “Eight-Week Challenge: Week Seven Results”

Eight-Week Challenge: Week Six Results

Six weeks into the challenge, and my progress remains positive, though always with something just beyond my easy grasp. Something worth striving for. As a reminder, here are my goals for the eight-week challenge: eat more nutritious food with fewer empty calories, spend one day a week reading the backlog of magazines sitting on the endContinue reading “Eight-Week Challenge: Week Six Results”